Day to day events and postings of what my family and I are up to.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Mall of America Day Trip
Dallan and I took a day trip to Mall of America for Labor Day. Wish Shawn and mom could have come but Shawn had practice and mom just wanted a day at home. Worked out well. We had a great time and visited a lot of store there at the mall. We even found a BYU mini helmet in a sports store and so we bought it as our souvenir of the Mall trip. They also had Utah and Utah State mini helmets! It was great to see a Mountain West and WAC colleges in a store out east.
Sept 20, 2010 - Got back from a three day trip today and have the next four days off. Lots of yard work to do. Hope I can get ready for planting all our ornamental trees this weekend. They are supposed to be delivered on Friday. Then we will have the next phase of our back yard renovations to undertake.
Sept 05, 2010 - Pretty good day. Got to fly a B737-800 from Newark to Atlanta, go to church at my ward and another ward in the stake I have responsibilities in, go home teaching with Dallan, eat a home cooked meal, acknowledge the dog with a scratchin' and just chill out.
Sept. 01, 2010 - Worked out in the back yard this morning. Planted Zoysia grass. Hope it works out. We are remodeling our back yard as is depicted in the posted pictures on my blog. Finished with my annual recurrent training and simulator evals yesterday. Delta is going to a 9 month recurrent now instead of the usual 12.
April 20, 2010 - Hoping to sell the race trailer soon. Have lowered the price several times. I have an interested partyand they don't know that I have lowered the price. Hope all goes well there and I can off load this concern. Have the next three days off. Rainy today but should be nice the rest of the week. Looking forward to riding our motorcycles again tomorrow.
March 11, 2010 - Painted the bathroom in the main floor. Took most of the morning. if not all of it. Then went to Cosco to shop for the consession stand at tomorrows soccer game. Have to prepare a lesson for this Sunday. I have to teach the Gospel Doctrine Class for the Canton Ward Conference.
Feb 20, 2010 - Going into 5 days of reserve then 5 days off. Hoping to get an assignment worth about 20 flight hours. But alas, I have things to do around the house as well. Sent off an application for the summer seminar training week at the Air Force Academy for Shawn today. Hope he gets selected. Could be a good omen for future appointments.
Feb 16, 2010 - Went to see the "Celtic Women" concert at the Fox Theater last night. Amazing is all I can think of. Took Dallan to Quito with me. Had a good time even though all we did was go to church at the Colon Ward and then go to eat lunch with the Armas family. Got back home yesterday morning in time to rest for the concert last night.
Feb 13, 2010 - Digging out from our winter storm. We had about 1 1/2 inches of snow last evening. Everything is come to halt here in Atlanta. All weekend church ball games cancelled, as well as city rec ball games and school related activities. I have a trip to Quito, Ecuador tonight. Be back Monday morning at 6:00 a.m. Jeanne and I are going to a Celtic Women concert at the Fox Theatre on Monday evening for Valentines Day date. Should be great.
Feb 11, 2010 - Like yesterday just hanging around the house doing house things. Had to cover for Jeanne at a YM/YW activity because she is feeling a little sick....cold stuff. Trying to get energized to start taxes and all that it entails. Attended the boy's dodgeball tourney yesterday. I think they came in fourth of about 11 teams.
Feb 5, 2010 - Starting a 4 day trip today with overnights in Sacramento, Orlando and Orange County, CA. A bunch of back and forth flying but I prefer that because it is just one leg a day and then to the hotel. Not a bunch of up and down stuff. That makes for a long day when you have to keep repeating.
Jan 19, 2010 - Took the shower door and trip off the shower yesterday and cleaned it all up. Re-caulked. It was pretty discusting actually. Today just more house hold things. Leaf blowing and getting a water feature in our back yard back up and running after the cold weather we had. Today should be near 65 degrees. Big vote in Massechusetts today for the senate seat previously held by Ted Kennedy. Could sway health care and Obama's national agenda.
Jan 18, 2010 - Wow! Over six weeks since I last made and entry! Shame on me. Haven't flown for last 7 days and I have next 4 days off! Going stir crazy. Have to start to work around the house I guess, rake leaves, repair lights, etc. etc. Boys are off today...MLK Day. Offered to take them to St. Louis to top of Gateway Arch on day trip but they passed it up. "Just want to chill out" they said.
Dec 2, 2009 - Put out the Christmas wreaths today and fixed some Christmas lights on a small tree, got the catalytic converter changed on the Taurus (it was under warrantee). Getting ready for a 4-day trip starting tomorrow.
Nov 11, 2009 - Hanging around the house, laundry, vaccumming (sp), and such. I have to go on split-ups with the missionaries this evening. Also buying a "used" car today for Jeanne from someone in the ward moving out of country. 2006 Chrysler Pacifica.
Nov 8, 2009 - Up in Minneapolis. Sitting in hotel room trying to get over a sore throat. I actually like being on this trip because it gives me a chance just to sit in bed and recover from this sore throat that has plagued me for about 4 days. I think I am making progress. Hoping fantasy teams do well today.
Nov 4, 2009 - Running errands today. getting excited for this weeks Sequoyah game. Paid bills today and checked out book "Where the Wild Things Are" in preparation for taking the family to the movie based on the book. Boys had never heard of the book.
Oct 26, 2009 - Helped Clela change out her battery in her car. Joe is in Florida and so I got the call to help...glad to do it. Got a call from a realtor (sp) in our old ward. Asked me to come do some handyman work at a home she is listing...rehung a cabinet door....paid me $20! Johnny is doing surprisingly well. Function is returning to his hind quarters. He takes a few steps, stutters, and regains his composure and continues on.
Oct 25, 2009 - Got called out to do a San Salvador round trip. Got home around 8 p.m. Flight went good. Pretty much a straight shot from ATL down over Florida panhandle, across the gulf, just off the coast of Belize, over fly Honduras and on into El Salvador.
Oct 18, 2009 - In San Jose, Costa Rica tonight. Single leg home tomorrow. Will be nice to be home again in my own bed. This has been a short trip though...just two nights away from the family. Shawn kicked two extra points in last Friday's Home comming game against Cass. We won 14-6 but it was a hard fought win. We didn't play real well.
Oct 10, 2009 - Leaving on my second three day trip of the month. This one has me doing a Newark turn and then overnighting for 30 hours in Chicago. Arrive at 11:00 pm tonight and leave first flight in the morning on Monday. Might be able to come home tomorrow and go to church with the family and still get back to Chicago tomorrow night. We will see.
Oct 01, 2009 - Working around the house. Preparing for the Sequoyah Soccer team car wash this Saturday. Working on getting the Bandoleros charged up again and running the engines just to keep them fresh.
Sept 29, 2009 - Finishing up my four day trip which included overnights in Phoenix, Boston and Spokane. Will be glad to get home today. This is my last trip as a Cincinnati based pilot. The commute is over for now...until I get displaced again.
Sept 17, 2009 - Working around the house again getting ready for my trip for Delta and then my quick trip to Brussels. Dallan and his friend, Jakob, are leaving tomorrow for Brussels and I will arrive there on the 22nd. I have to do a St. Maarten trip on Saturday. Overnight there (25 hours) and return on Sunday evening. I then can fly out to Brussels on the 22nd. We will return home on the 24th.
Has been raining a lot here in Georgia. It is nice but the grass is growing fast and not dry enough to mow.
Sept 13, 2009 - Arrived in LAX last night. Flew a charter flight of UCLA boosters/supporters from the Tennessee/UCLA game back to Los Angeles. Tonight I work the charter flight taking the Los Angeles/Anahiem Angels to New York.
Sequoyah lost to Hillgrove last Friday. Hillgrove was the better team. Shawn was only given one chance to kick in the game and he made the 30 yard field goal. Final score 21-3. Shawn is now 8 for 8 when called upon.
Sept 09, 2009 - Just doing things around the house. Yesterday I had to spend over $400 for two tires on the truck, alignment, and two riding lawn mower front tires. I hate spending money like that. Today I have more household items/chores to do.
Got a friend request yesterday on from an old high school girl friend...Catalina Segura. Lives in Dallas now with her hubby and two kids. One in college and one a senior in high school. It was good to hear from her again. She did say that one of my friends from Topeka, Rick Crawford had recently passed away. Didn't say how though. :(
Sept 01, 2009 - I am in San Francisco today and will be in NYC tomorrow. I went walking today and self toured a large catholic church called St. Mary of the Assumption. (Not sure what an assumption is.) Anyway it was architecturally a pretty cool modern building.
Shawn and Dallan got their braces off today and I am excited to see them with out them when I return on Friday. I am also excited about their activities this game vs. Creekview Grizzlies.
August 24, 2009 - Up in CVG sitting reserve. I don't think that I will get called out so I sit here just keeping busy with internet work and may go play a complimentary round of golf tomorrow. The hotel give a free 18 hole round but I will have to rent the clubs.
August 12, 2009 - Just hung out around the house today. I have to fly out tomorrow to Seattle. I then do the red-eye back on the 14th. Bummer because Shawn has his first scrimmage game on Friday.
August 11, 2009 - Finished with my yearly simulator evaluations and system oral exams. Did just fine. Glad to get that out of the way for another year. Systems eval went a lot better than I had expected. Only missed one question! The flying went well too. I did fairly well on my engine out procedures at takeoff speed and thought my landing went pretty good with the left engine shut down. Everything else was pretty routine. Now to concentrate on other areas of my life like church duties, family life, finances, yard work etc.
August 6, 2009 - Starting a two day trip. Will be back tomorrow evening. Going to miss Shawn's Varsity Football Kick-Off dinner tomorrow. Job does have it's drawbacks. Good news is that today is my two year Delta Hire date anniversary so I kick into my third year pay rate. An increase of 17%. Trying to study for my check ride on the 10-11. Maybe on the plane today or in Seattle hotel tomorrow I can get some good studying in.
August 4, 2009 - Studied today for my annual evaluation on the B737. I have my two day eval on the 10th-11th. It involves aircraft system knowledge, company policy and procedures, simulator flying evaluations, emergency procedures, etc. etc, etc. Shawn and Dallan started school yesterday...juniors. Shawn's first varsity football game is on the 28th. He had a really good practice today and the coach even stopped by and shook his hand and told him how well he did.
August 1, 2009 - Starting a three day trip today. New York tonight and Las Vegas tomorrow. Red-eye home tomorrow evening. Yesterdays return from Ft. Myers, Fl. became a real pain. I tried to go around a truck the should have pulled forward so I could get in the lane to get on the on ramp. I hit a pot hole or the street edge and popped both my right side tires. With Jeanne and the boys in the car we ended up calling a tow truck and had it towed to Sears who charged me $227 for two tires! I bought four tires last year for $240 total! Sears ripped me off but they were the only ones open at 8:00 p.m.
July 30, 2009 - Down in Sebring, Florida for a few days with the wife and boys. Taking care of some legal things for Jeanne's mother, Grace. She is aging and on oxygen 24/7 etc. and so we need to make sure she has her affairs in order. She seems to be doing okay now though. Has emphyzema. We may take a half day trip up to Orlando this afternoon for a dinner show or something. Orlando is about an hour north of Sebring.
July 24, 2009 (Pioneer Day!) - Well I didn't have to go to Cincinnati after all. Scheduling called and assigned me a trip out of Atlanta. I was pleased with that. Flight to Antigua was uneventful. Arrived at 2:00 p.m. Hot and humid here but gorgeous. Fly back tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 p.m.
July 23, 2009 - Played some basketball with Dallan, Alma and two of Dallan's friends. Studied some more. Did laundry and worked around the house. Have to go to Cincinnati tomorrow and for reserve duty....bummer. May have to stay through Saturday.
July 21, 2009 - Planted some flowers by our side door of the house. Jeanne doesn't know it yet but I think she will be pleasantly surprised. I also cleaned Mitzi's house by myself today. She is a client that Jeanne has had for several years. She pays well. $140 for a job that takes about 2 1/2 hours. I am now just studying for my yearly evaluation which is on Aug 10-11. I hate these simulator evaluations and training.
July 14, 2009 - In Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic today. Took Shawn with me on this trip. He is having a good time. We went to NYC yesterday and toured the Empire State Building and took a virtual helicopter ride of the NYC area. Visited Time Square again, ( we went there 18 months ago) and then came down to Santo Domingo today. Fly back home tomorrow.
July 9, 2009 - In Cincinnati on my way to LAX. I have a three day that has the red-eye back tomorrow night. I get in at 10:00 p.m. tonight and fly back tomorrow evening at 11:55 p.m. These are kind of hard because the crew has to reverse body time clocks within 24 hours.
July 1, 2009 - Wow! I went and did it...I bought a lap top. It is a Toshiba 15.6 inch screen. 3.0 Gig Memory 250 Hard drive. I figured while sitting in Cincinnati hotel on reserve, I might as well try to be productive and have access to the net. Maybe do some geneology, work related studies and such.
June 30, 2009 - Going to an Atlanta Braves vs. Philadelphia Phillies game tonight. Braves will probably loose since whenever I go to a professional game my team looses 93% of the time. I have to be in Cincinnati tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. for short call duty...bummer.
June 24, 2009 - Got back from Cabo today. It was a great trip. We had a great dinner show there at the hotel the first night and just stayed around the hotel most of the time. We did make one morning jaunt into town just to check it out but decided we would most like to just relax at the hotel on Tuesday and Wednesday. Had a nice trip home. Johnny, our dog, was delighted to see us. Dallan is away to EFY still and Shawn is at his ROTC Citadel trip til Saturday as well.
June 17, 2009 - Returned from my trip to Quito yesterday and immediately caught a flight to Houston where I had lunch with Ligia. We spent a few hours together and then I flew back to Atlanta....real tired. I found out today that I have to do the same Quito trip tomorrow evening, spend Friday there and return home on the red-eye and land back in Atlanta on Saturday at 6:00 a.m. I speak in the Alatoona Ward on Sunday and then on Monday Jeanne and I are off to Cabo San Lucas for a 3 night four day stay.
June 14, 2009 - Lots of stake work to do today. I have to be in the Hickory Flat ward to extend a stake calling and then stay for the meeting. I then have to get over to my own ward by 11:30 for our block of meetings. After which I should have time to come home, change and make my way out to the airport for my trip to Quito. Excited about that.
June 13, 2009 - Jeanne got home from girls camp today and so it is nice to have her back in the house. Shawn and I had a boring day. Dallan had a dance this evening with a girl he has been seeing, Jessica. He drove 45 minutes each way and then only stayed for an hour because she her parents picked her up for an early morning event tomorrow. He kind of thought it was a wasted evening.
June 10, 2009 - Got a call by Delta asking for help on my day off. Paid double time so I took the day and flew to Baltimore, Salt Lake and back to Atlanta. Got home around 10:00 p.m.
June 9, 2009 - Just came back from a two day trip to Philly and SLC. Dallan came along and we had a great time. We walked the streets of SLC again and hit a sports store in Gateway Mall called FANZZ. He bought a SLC Bee's baseball hat and a JAZZ t-shirt. Mom is away to girls camp this week. We will miss her.
May 26, 2009 - Dallan and Shawn's Birthday! Had an early call out to ferry an empty plane to Orlando. Arrived at 7:30 a.m. Then we ferried another empty plane that had a maintenance issue resolved back to Atlanta to be put back in service. Opened checking accounts for Shawn and Dallan.
May 24, 2009 - Church today...also on 12 hour call out to fly. Shawn's scrimmage went well. His team only scored one goal and so he only had a chance to kick one extra point but he made it. The other half of the team (White vs. Black) scored twice and the kicker from the black team (Mason Strain) made both of his kicks as well.
May 23, 2009 - Busy day with Eagle scout project, clean Galaxy Gate, go to gym, yard work, house work, help Shawn with field goals, he also has a scrimmage game this afternoon then a youth movie night at our house with kids from several wards. Also on call today with a two-hour call out from 2:00 p.m. til 2:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.
May 21, 2009 - I have been counting calories like Alan and have found that I am allowed 2877 per day. I find that to be high but that is what the calculator said. Anyway I find that I have not been working out enough or long enough. I find that I have to burn over 500 calories each time to loose weight. I weighed in today at 230.5, down 1.5 over the last few days. Shawn is trying out for the varsity football team as the kicker. He does pretty good. Kicks about 40 yards field goals but needs to be more consistant.
May 19, 2009 - Have the next four days off. Several things to do...yard work, house work, financial work, church work....then I get to go fly again!
Yesterday I was proud of myself since our dryer was squeeking and making all sorts of weird sounds. I tore it apart, took the drum out, found the drum bearing support bracket worn and needing replacement. I did all that and it worked again after I put it back cost...$17. Beats some high priced service call and repair probably over $100!
May 15, 2009 - Flew to Cancun. Arrived here at 1:00 pm and will fly back to SLC tomorrow at 1:30 pm. Nice hotel here. It is the Gran Melia. Look it up on the internet if you so desire.
May 14, 2009 - Had dinner with Fabienne and two of her boys last night in Sacramento. We had a lot of fun catching up on each others families, secrets and what concerts we like. You "Go Girl".
May 9, 2009 - As expected, I have a trip today. A three day with overnights in Detroit tonight and Salt Lake City tomorrow night. I arrive in SLC at about 3:30 p.m. Maybe I can drop by and visit someone. Will work a little in the yard today.
May 8, 2009 - Finishing up four days off. Pretty sure I will get a trip for tomorrow. Car repairs and medical bills keeping me busy. Boys are doing well and no real news from those who have flown the coup.
May 3, 2009 - In LAX now. Spent the first night in LAX then Orlando last night and back in LAX tonight. Didn't sleep much last night. Only about 4 hours. Took a nap today and will be glad to get home tomorrow after a NYC leg and then home to ATL. Feeling better and better each day. Mobility is returning but still tender. Looking forward to getting some light chores done around the house on my four days off starting on Tuesday.
May 1, 2009 - Back to work. It has been two weeks and one day since my surgery and I go back to the drudgery of having to go climb into the cockpit of a B737-800 again and feel the excitement of the aviation environment. The roar of the engines as I accelerate past V1, Vr, V2 speeds and lift off from tierra firma and slide through the lower clouds into the ever sunny skies that grace the upper altitudes. I have to go back to gliding smoothly over the vastness that is the US and put up with the sights of the Grand Canyon, The Great Plains, The Rocky Mountain range in all its glory, the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico and the warmth of the southern climate in Los Angeles and Orlando, Florida. Oh well, I gotta leave this couch sometime and move back to my hum drum life outside this house.
April 24, 2009 - Recovery coming along fine now. Get more and more mobility everyday. Think I will go back to work at the end of this month. Another 6 days of recovery should be good. Boys looking forward to end of school. Struggling with a few classes to keep them in the A/B level. Jeanne working hard but getting burned out.
April 20, 2009 - Still recovering. Taking it easy. Except for yesterday. I over did it and went to my Stake Meetings in the morning and Shawn's Patriarchal Blessing. I got home around 1:30 knowing that I over did it. Shawn's blessing was wonderful and I can't wait to reread the transcript.
April 17, 2009 - I am back home now from my hernia surgery. I now have a taste of a C-section for giving birth. I do not know which is worse. Jeanne says the C-section because then you have to heal and still take care of newborns. I agree. Anyway I now have two scars. One on the knee (5-6 inches and one in the lower abdomen (3-4 inches.) Convelesing (sp) stinks.
April 11, 2009 - Back from Manaus. It was an okay trip but the return trip in the middle of the night is a killer. I have attached a few photos in the blog. All is well. Looking forward to attending church tomorrow with the family and then getting ready for my surgery on Wednesday.
April 9, 2009 - Again I worked in the yard trying to get it into a "Garden of Eden" state. Much work to be done. Gotta go to Manaus tonight. Boys will come home tomorrow from their week in Panama City, FL.
April 8, 2009 - Deric's Birthday. Worked at home today. Have to fly to Manaus, Brazil tomorrow and back home on morning. I don't like that trip. Arrive in Manaus at 11:00 p.m. and have a 25 hour layover and fly home on the back side of the clock, leaving Manaus at 12:30 a.m. arriving Atlanta at 6:00 a.m. local time.
April 7, 2009 - With the boys in Panama City for the spring break week, I have had a lot of extra time on my hands. I have been able to do a lot of home office work and that has been nice. I not have a better idea of where we stand on many family, financial, scheduling, and church issues. I miss the boys terribly...almost to tears. I finished our fence in the back yard that was destroyed in the tornado of '08. It took me about a week once I started it. I think it looks great and it will keep the dog from wandering off again...I hope.
March 25, 2009 - Did a lot of yard work today. The wood was delivered for our split rail fence that I will install over the coming weeks. The boys helped me move it all to the back yard from the drive way. It was a lot of work, in the rain no less, but they were very helpful and did not complain at all. Great boys.
March 21, 2009 - Arrived in POS last night. Will walk around near the hotel today but told there is not much to see or do. Trinidad really doesn't have any sandy beaches per say. Tabago does though. The currency here is the TT or Trinidad and Tabago dollar. About a 6.7:1 ratio to the US dollar. We were 18 minutes late on the push back out of Atlanta because I forgot my flight kit at home and Jeanne had to meet me half way as I turned around and headed back home to get it. She saved my hinny and kept the delay to a minimum. We arrived in POS on time though.
March 19, 2009 - Worked around the house, took the boys to the orthodontist, worked the concession stand at Dallan's soccer game. I have a three day trip tomorrow to Port of Spain, Trinidad. I fly there tomorrow sit all day Saturday and fly home Sunday morning.
March 16, 2009 - Last night of a 4 day trip with three overnights in Hartford, CT. Will be glad to get home tomorrow. Planning a trip to Belgium with the boys and a friend from their school. Will be staying with Teresa.
March 7, 2009 - Leaving tonight for a trip to Washington, D.C. I will go to church with Kim and Amy tomorrow. Excited about that. Be back on Monday. Had a garage sale today...$250!
March 4, 2009 - Painted a ceiling for a client of a realtor in our old ward. $125 extra dollars to help pay for car repairs that came to $508.00 I will pick up a few more extra jobs as a handyman this next week. Boys have games tomorrow. There is a coyote prowling the neighborhood (we are told) so we are keeping an eye out each time we let Johnny out to get some fresh air.
March 3, 2009 - Went to doctor over last few weeks. Went to specialist yesterday. Seems I have a small hernia. Surgery forthcoming at my convenience....bummer. Shawn's varsity soccer team lost again today. They are 0-5-1 in regular season 1-5-1 overall. Shawn only got to play 2 1/2 minutes yesterday. He usually only gets about 10-15 minutes per game.
Feb 17, 2009 - Flew out to Denver today. This will be a quick turn. I spend 13 hours here and then do the red-eye flight back to Atlanta. It leaves here at 1:15 a.m. MST and arrives back in ATL at :5:45 a.m. EST. Mr. Obama signed into law the 825 billion dollar spending bill today. Oddly enough he was here in Denver to do that. The same day I am here....Go figure.
Feb 15, 2009 - It is official now. As of the close of stake conf. we are now part of the Woodstock ward. We are excited about the change.
Feb 14, 2009 - HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Spending the day in Springfield, MA. Flights won'e permit me to return to Atlanta for the day to attend a few meetings. Wish I had a plane like Air Force One to wisk me around at my convenience too.
Feb 12, 2009 - Finished preparing my taxes. Always a relief to get that done. I have been assigned a trip tomorrow to Hartford, CT. Sit all day Sat. and return by 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning. I think I will fly back Saturday morning, attend some stake meetings and fly back to Hartford Saturday evening to make my Sunday morning flight. This weekend is an important stake meeting with ward boundry realignments. We will be transferred to the Woodstock Ward. I want to be there for that. My flight lands Sunday at 9 and the stake conf. starts at 10:00 a.m.
Feb. 9, 2009 - Worked out at the YMCA for an hour. Played Supreme Commander and still got my clock cleaned on a level I can't seem to conquer. Drove to Dallan's away game in Villa Rica (about 1:10 to the south west of Woodstock). I was the only Sequoyah fan on the Sequoyah side bleachers. I think the Villa Rica team had about 25 fans in their bleachers. We won 2-0. So now the Varsity team is 1-0 and the JV team is 1-0. Shawn plays tomorrow with the Varsity team in Chestatee which is in Gainesville, GA. About 1:45 to the north east.
Feb. 7, 2009 - Got rerouted by scheduling and spent the night in Washington, DC last night. Flew home to Atlanta this morning. Cleaned Galaxy Gate and took Jeanne's Jewelry inventory to Jared Jewelry to be cleaned and inspected.
Feb. 6, 2009 - Leaving Sacramento this morning for Detroit via Atlanta. Pauline (Nana) passed away last evening at 6:30 p.m. We are told that once her body fully stopped working it took about 8 hours for her to stop breathing. She is now with Earl.
Feb. 5, 2009 - Flew back to Atlanta this morning. Had a nice flight. First Class. I have a three day trip assigned to me with layovers in Sacramento and Detroit. Too short a lay over to visit with Fabienne and family though. Just in late tonight and out tomorrow morning.
Feb. 4, 2009 - Recieved call from Susan Swain, Jeanne's step sister. Jeanne's step mother is on her last days with cancer and so we flew up to Hartford, CT and rented a car and drove to St. Johnsbury, VT to spend some time with her. We spent about 4 hours there and shared pictures. Her mind was quite quick but that comes in flashes. She was very small and frail...70-80 pounds and has stopped eating and drinking. Her kidneys and one lung have stopped functioning. We expect her to stay just a few more days.
Feb. 3, 2009 - Worked at Galaxy for 1.5 hours. Spilt a large Dr. Pepper from Panda Express in the car. Spent 1.5 hours vacuuming and carpet cleaning the car....bummer. Worked out at the YMCA on the elyptical (spelling) trainer. Did 2 miles and burned 240 cals. That's three times already this week I did that! New record.
Jan 29, 2009 - Worked at Galaxy for four hours this morning. Took Dallan to the dentist. Played Fallout 3 for a bit and then picked the boys up from soccer. Went to the Canton Ward High Priest Group Leadership meeting.
Jan 26, 2009 - Cleaned house for Jeanne's homecoming this evening. Picked up boys' medications. Just hung around the house.
Jan 25, 2009 - Lot of church work today. Normal 3-hr block, then I had to talk in the Woodstock Ward and then come back to our building to attend the Canton Ward Priesthood meeting. I have taken the boys to BYC/BYD and have to pick them up in an hour. Jeanne should return from Portland tomorrow. She has been gone since last Thursday.
Jan 19, 2009 - Back from a 4 day trip that had me sleeping in Philadelphia, Portland Oregon, and Mexico City. Time to start work on Galaxy Gate stuff again.
Worked 7.5 hours at Galaxy. Had a PPI with the first councilor (sp) of the stake presidency this evening. Boys are at YM/YW. They said they cannot go to Cabo in Feb. due to soccer games. I guess it will just be mom and me and we will shorten it from 5 days to three.
Jan 13, 2009 - Worked another 6.5 at Galaxy. Tonight Shawn and I have a home teaching visit to make and then I assume we will be off to Karaoke night again since it is Tuesday. Leanning towards taking the B767ER in NYC (at least today I am, I mean this hour I am, this minute to me more precise. Who knows, it might change in a second.)
Jan 12, 2009 - Worked at Galaxy Gate most the day installing door handles and finishing up some linoleum tile work. Will have family night tonight with the boys and Jeanne. The boys get done with soccer conditioning at 5:00 p.m.
Jan 11, 2009 - Wow! has it been that long since I last wrote in the Daily Doing's? Normal stuff today. Went to church. Visited one family on home teaching list. Went to the temple last Friday. Busy there that night. Had to add an additional session. Trying to decide on what to do with the displacement bid.
Dec 24 - Will finish up getting ready for Christmas. Trying to avoid getting called out today for a trip. Looks like I might be able to do just that but there are too many trips still not covered for tomorrow by crew scheduling. I have put in requests to cover one of three trips that duty in late tomorrow. Have been working at Galaxy Gate's new building cleaning construction debris this past week. Will spend a few more hours there today.
Dec 23 - Spent 4 hours at Bishop's Storehouse this morning with Dallan. Shawn donated 6 hours at Must Ministries for his ROTC class. Then spent 2 1/2 hours at Galaxy Gates. Boys went to Karaoke this evening.
Dec 19 - Flew down to Miami last night and layed over here. I and two other pilots are flying on TAM to Manaus, Brazil to be stationed there for the inaugral flight for Delta out of Manaus on the 20th. Another crew will bring in the plane and we are scheduled to fly it out as the other crew will lay over in Manaus. Oh by the way...Happy Birthday to me....who da' thunk I would be spending my 48th birthday right on the Amazon River in the Rainforest of Brazil!
Dec 18 - Went to the gym this morning. I hate it but it needs to be done. Boys get out of school at 10:30 this morning due to end of semester tests this week. I have a trip assigned to me tomorrow to fly to Orlando and on to Mexico City. I have a 36 hour layover there and so I will fly back to Atlanta via Orlando on Sunday. What to do in Mexico City again? We went to the pyramids last month. Trying to pick up a trip to Manaous, Brazil on Christmas day. This way I will at least be home on Christmas eve and most of Christmas day.
Dec 12 - Back in LAX. I had a good time in New Orleans. I walked down Bourbon Street and Canal Street where they have Marti Gras. Talk about a fun looking city but watch out...lots of ways to get into trouble if you know what I mean. Lots of ecletic type of stores though to shop.
Dec 9 - Wow, five days since last entry. Received Delta Pilot Integration list....number 11547 of 12434. Been assigned a four day trip starting tomorrow with overnights in Los Angeles, New Orleans, and again in Los Angeles. Blew leaves at Steve and Kathy Judd's (friends from the ward) house since he is down with pneumonia.
Dec 4 - Worked at Galaxy Gate's new building, sweeping and cleaning up construction scraps in preparation for the tile guys and carpeting to come in. Went to Jeanne's office Christmas party.
Dec 2 - Worked on Christmas decorations inside and out. Played Supreme Commander for an hour or so. Went to Karaoke this evening with the boys.
Dec 1 - First day back from trip. It was a good trip and time well spent with the family. I did not like the fellow pilot I flew with this time though. He was a pain in the butt. Got called out today to do a round trip to Philadelphia. Got back home at about 11:45 p.m.
Nov 29 - Well we made it. Toured the Aztec pyramids outside of Mexico City. Astonishing and Amazing are all I can say! Pictures forth coming when we return to Atlanta.
Nov 28 - Flying to Mexico City with Jeanne and the boys today. They are accompanying me on my 4 day trip. We fly to Mexico today and spend all afternoon there, all day tomorrow and then fly home on Sunday. We hope to go to the local pyramids there tomorrow for the day.
Nov 27 - Flew from ATL to SLC via Orange County. Met up with Jeanne and the boys and had a wonderful Turkey Dinner at Chelsea's place.
Nov 23 - Flew Baltimore to Cincinnati and on to San Jose. Arrived at about 11:00 a.m. local time. Walked the San Jose State University campus on a beautiful sunny day. Saw some student class on what appeared to be a self discovery lecture in the campus park. I sat near enough to listen in. They all stood in a circle and were instructed to learn to give before recieving so the assignment was to go find a tree or bush and speak with it and ask permission to recieve three of its leaves. Off they went like lemmings. Funny watching our future leaders speaking to trees!
Nov 21 - Started new 4-day trip with layovers in Salt Lake City, Baltimore, and San Jose, CA.
Nov 20 - Spent most of the day working at the new Galaxy Gate building for Joe Roubicek. Mostly yard work.
Nov 17 - Flew back to Atlanta on the midnight red-eye flight.
Nov 16 - Flew to SLC and Alan is helping me build a new computer.
1 comment:
My family went to the Mall of America often when we lived in Minneapolis. It's a lot of fun!
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