Friday, July 3, 2009

Resignation of Palin

Having been a fan of Palin during the primaries, I am puzzled by her resignation at the end of the month. I had hoped that she would run for president or be a VP choice again for someone but I now have second thoughts. If the weak spot that was cast upon her was that she was inexperienced then how can resigning from governor help that cause? Although the fact that Obama was elected with even less experience would lend little weight to the arguement of experience. It just doesn't seem to bode well for her if future political office is her goal. Maybe a run for senator in 2010? She has a book deal which seems to be a prerequisite for running for president, so is she going to concentrate on that? Who knows...the political world is outside my realm of understanding in today's world....nothing seems to make sense.


Alan said...

It would have been best if she had served out her term, but I think the unfair, outrageous, and utterly depraved attacks from the far left got to her. One thing I wish conservatives would learn is that hanging on through all the attacks infuriates the far left more than anything. Resignation is exactly what they want. Nevertheless, I think we haven't seen the last of Palin. She is still very young and she will have many other opportunities for elected or appointed service.

dworth said...

I found her resignation speech one of the most disjointed ramblings I had ever heard. Please you guys, there a TONS of decent Republicans out there who can actually speak well, represent worthy Republican ideas coherently, and augment the quality of the discourse! My guess is that however, wherever she surfaces again, you will be disappointed.

Brian said...

I have never thought of her to be a real fluent communicator. I like SOME of her ideas though. Being able to communicate well is not a prerequisite for serving in public office though. Examples...

(R)Bumbling George W. Bush often bumbles words.
(D)Slobbering Barney Frank spits and slobbers when he speaks.
(D)White House Press Sec. Gibbs speaks and speaks and says nothing to clarify any statement. Great at double talking.
(R)LA Governor Bobby Jindal...Rambles..need I say more.
(D)Bill Clington "is" a smooth talker depending on what the definition of "is" is.
(R)Dan Quail..can't spell potatoe? potato?
(D)Al Gore claims in his ramblings to have invented the internet.

So in a politician speaks or what they say has little to do, in my opinion, with their ability to connect to their constituents.