Well, I finally have been awarded a trip that I actually get to pilot back to my old mission stomping grounds. It has eluded me over the past several months. I leave tomorrow afternoon and arrive in Quito at about 9:45 p.m. I stay overnight and leave the following evening at 11:30 p.m. for the red-eye back to Atlanta. I will be able to go visit the Armas family that I taught and baptized when I was in Quito North. I have returned about 5 times to Ecuador since my mission but this will be the first time as a flight crew operating the flight. Pretty cool if you ask me. I remember sitting by the airport as a missionary wondering what it would be like to be a pilot and now another aspect of my fantasy will become reality. When I return on Tuesday morning I am hopping on a flight to Houston to have lunch with Ligia Diaz a lady I baptized and who is visiting her daughter in Houston.
That's so cool Brian. Congratulations on a dream come true! I think that is really cool.
Dang, I wish I were you. How cool is that!?
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