Now that Mr. Obama has issued the executive order to close Guantanamo here is one of the first casualties of justice. Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the ring leader of the USS Cole eight years ago, has had all charges dropped. He has been held at Guantanamo.
Susan Crawford, the retired judge who oversees the commissions, issued a ruling dismissing without prejudice all charges against Saudi national Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, said Pentagon spokesman Navy Commander J.D. Gordon.
"It was (Crawford's) decision, and it reflects the fact that the president has issued an executive order which mandates that the military commissions be halted, pending the outcome of several comprehensive reviews of our detention operations at Guantanamo," Gordon said.
So now a known terrorist is absolved of his actions because the new administration wants to close Gitmo. Again I ask, is America Safer Now?